Primary ITO programme brings technology and innovation to the farm
The training has given Cameron the opportunity to apply his interest in technology to the business. “He has mapped out the entire farm and has a history of each paddock at his fingertips on his phone and is using genetics applications to record information on the stud’s rams.”
Peter says he is proud of Cameron’s progress. “He is doing remarkably well and has a big future as a sheep and beef farmer.”
Peter says Cameron’s training with Primary ITO has also improved goal setting and planning on farm. “We’ve become more focused on fattening lambs to goal weights and the pasture preparation for this.”
Peter says he highly recommends other sheep and beef farmers consider giving their employees the opportunity to gain a Primary ITO qualification and that training adviser support makes it achievable for employers.
“As employers we can have a huge input into the lives and development of our staff, and this is a really positive way to do it.”
Click here to see the range of sheep, beef and deer programmes available, or use the form below to get in touch.