Consultation on the future for primary sector work-based learning

Information on the Government's consultation on a new structure for primary sector work-based learning, as well as a new system for poytechnics and funding training

Learning with Primary ITO | Te Pūkenga in 2025

Following the new Government’s announcement of its intention to disestablish Te Pūkenga | New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology, please be assured that your Primary ITO programme of study or training will continue as planned while we work through the details of how this change will be implemented. If you need access to learner support services, or have any concerns, please contact us.

Updated 27th January 2025.

The future for primary sector work-based learning

Following consultation on proposed changes to the vocational education system, the Government released their decisions in December 2024:

  • Agreement to disestablish Te Pūkenga and allow institutes of technology and polytechnics (ITPs) to be re-established as autonomous entities. These could be standalone or as part of a federation (pending financial viability).
  • The standard setting function of Workforce Development Councils (WDCs) will be taken over by Industry Skills Boards.
  • A commitment to further targeted consultation (January 2025) on two options for work-based learning, including option B (from earlier consultation), and a new option C.

Further Consultation on Work-Based Learning Options

Commencing late January 2025, Minister Simmonds will be running a targeted consultation on the two options for work-based learning, with more detailed information on the options and the consultation process yet to be provided:

  • Option B – Separate standard setting entities (Industry Skills Boards/ ISBs) replacing WDCs, and delivery of work-based learning through providers (similar to current arrangements). Te Pūkenga’s work-based learning divisions would become standalone entities.
  • NEW Option C – ISBs would additionally provide national training co-ordination and pastoral care functions to work based learners and their employers. Tertiary providers, including polytechnics, Wananga and private training establishments (PTEs) would manage the education aspects of work-based learning, including enrolling learners, developing training materials, managing assessment and delivering off-job training where required. Work based learning divisions of Te Pūkenga would ultimately be disestablished, with core learner functions split across multiple organisations, and potentially also regionally.

Final decisions following consultation are not expected until April/May 2025, and any implementation timeframes will depend upon the selected options, with option B not expected to be implemented until 2026, and option C not until late 2026/early 2027.

Important message to learners, employers and assessors

We want to reassure you that our organisation will continue to provide optimal support for all our trainees, apprentices, employers and assessors. We are committed to keeping all stakeholders informed of the changes. Please check this page regularly for updates.

More information

For further information please visit the TEC website.

If you have any questions, please contact us