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Training Helping Sam Fill Knowledge Gaps

6 December 2017

Training is proving a great way for Sam Clouston to fill gaps in the farming knowledge he’s been accumulating since boyhood.

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Helping Grow The Next Generation Of Gardeners

29 November 2017

Most Kiwi teens wouldn’t have a clue what amenity horticulture involves – but Pippa Lucas is determined to reach out through social media and show young people the exciting opportunities that exist.

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Lift Others Up To Help Your Vineyard Flourish

27 November 2017

One of New Zealand’s most experienced winegrowers firmly believes the smarter and more educated your staff are, the better your vineyard will be.

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Ōhau Wines’ Staff Help Forge Their Own Path

27 November 2017

Growing grapes in an unknown wine region is challenging on many fronts – and not having a skilled viticulture workforce to draw from is a problem Ōhau Wines is working hard to overcome.

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Qualifications Provide Proof of Knowledge for Edward

27 November 2017

Edward King describes himself as a “reluctant student” who never particularly enjoyed school.

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Gill Embraces A New Direction In Life

27 November 2017

Gill Jamieson has always loved working outdoors but once she hit her 50s, work became harder to find.

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Primary ITO Study Helps Daniel Fast-Track His Career

27 November 2017

“Take every opportunity you can” is the motto Daniel Warman lives by.

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Farmers urged to focus on their people, not just their herd

22 November 2017

Young up-and-coming dairy industry leader Nicholas Bailey says Kiwi farmers are great at growing grass, but need to work just as hard at growing people.

Mere Brewer
Career Change Proves To Be The Right Choice For Mere

31 October 2017

As a food technologist, Mere Brewer quickly realised she wasn’t cut out for a career indoors.

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Training Helps Auckland Botanic Gardens’ Staff To Thrive

25 October 2017

Auckland’s Botanic Gardens are promoted as a place “where ideas grow” – and that rings as true for the staff as it does for the plants and the visiting public.