New Zealand Certificate in Primary Products Food Processing
With strands in Product Quality Auditing and Environmental Systems
Level of study
Level 4
8-9 months
Learners must be employed in the sector and must be employed in a role allowing them to meet the outcomes of the programme.
This programme is suitable for those in product auditing roles or environment systems focused roles across the food processing industry.
Graduates will be capable of planning and managing work priorities, monitoring health and safety and quality either carrying out food products certification or carrying out advanced environmental management system requirements.
The Product Quality Auditing programme includes learning for experienced employees who conduct audit processes for certification, including halal and is also suitable for people who conduct internal product quality audits and quality assurance work.
A Supplementary Credit Programme (SCP) is available which covers the key Environmental unit standards of this New Zealand Certificate programme.
Learning Outcomes
All strands:
Plan and manage work priorities in a primary products food processing operation and provide workplace information.
Carry out and monitor health and safety and quality practice requirements in a primary products food processing operation.
Environmental strand:
Plan, prepare and carry out a range of advanced environmental management systems requirements in a primary products food processing operation.
Product Quality Auditing strand:
Plan, prepare and carry out food products certification in a primary products food processing operation.
Enrolment forms
Download and read our enrolment forms and terms and conditions.