
Our Quality Assurance Team monitors the quality of assessment and supports assessors across the primary industry sectors we serve.

Our Quality Assurance Team ensures: 

  • assessment materials and assessor practices are fair, valid, and consistent  
  • learners meet the national industry standard.

Assessment involves the collection and recording of evidence that shows a learner’s competence against the unit standards they’re trying to achieve. Assessors collect this evidence by:

  • observing normal day-to-day work 
  • viewing the organisation's records 
  • viewing photos 
  • getting confirmation from a supervisor or manager who is acting as a verifier.  
  • checking questions answered by the learner, and  
  • talking to the learner, the verifier, or both.  

Our Assessment Practice Checklist and Best Practice Guidebook have more information about assessment.


Assessors and verifiers play a key role in supporting learners throughout the training and assessment process in primary industries, but each has a different role in the learner’s journey.

Assessor’s role

Assessors review all the evidence from the learner and the verifier and decide whether the learner has the competency to meet the standard. Evidence typically includes the learners' answers to questions, workplace documents, and verification.

To be an assessor, you must hold a relevant qualification in the field of study you’re assessing or have equivalent industry knowledge and experience.  

Assessors must officially register with us. We’ll give you a 'scope' to assess learner results and report them to us.

Assessors must meet several obligations, including the following:

  • Assess at least once every 18 months to remain active 
  • Provide results to us within 15 working days of assessment
  • Keep learner assessments for 2 years and submit samples for moderation when requested

Verifier’s role 

Verifiers confirm that learners can consistently perform specific tasks to meet the required standard. They give evidence to assessors and help assessors decide whether learners meet the standard. 

Verifiers can observe learners when assessors are not available. Verifiers are not registered and do not judge learners’ competency. One person can be both a verifier and an assessor. 

Talk to your Training Adviser about becoming an assessor or a verifier  

If you want to become an assessor or verifier, contact your Training Adviser. They’ll explain what you need to do next. 

Your organisation must have a training agreement with us and have current learners who will need assessing  

To become an assessor, you must hold Unit Standard 4098 or be actively working towards gaining that standard. 

Learners have the right to appeal 

Learners can formally appeal an assessment decision if they believe it’s unfair. Assessors must use a totally transparent assessment process which provides a trail of evidence to support their decisions. 

How appeals work 

  • The learner must appeal to us in writing within 30 days of the assessment taking place. 
  • Our Quality Assurance Team overseas a formal review of the appeal. 
  • We’ll tell the learner and assessor the result of the appeal within 15 days of receiving it.