Dairy farming

Dairy Farming has been part of New Zealand’s proud farming history and gets better all the time, thanks to innovation and technology.

As the world’s biggest exporter of dairy products, New Zealand process 21 billion litres of milk each year. New Zealand’s quality products are in demand thanks to the country's productive land, healthy livestock, and smart, switched-on farmers and other rural professionals.

Job overview

From starting as a farm assistant, through to contract milking, managing or owning/operating a dairy farm, there are on-job qualifications and industry growth opportunities to support a successful life-long career.

Skills and experience 

  • Physically fit – dairy farm work can be physically demanding
  • Confident and caring with animals
  • Patient, adaptable, and practical
  • Motivated
  • Able to follow a routine
  • Able to show initiative and make decisions
  • Well organised, goal-focused, and able to think ahead
  • Able to work well independently and in a team
  • Good at communicating.