New Zealand Apprenticeship in Distribution - Meat Processing
Level 3 and Level 4
Level of study
Level 3 and Level 4
Cost (incl GST)
20 months. Total learning hours: 1,230
Learners must be employed in the sector and must engage in training via their employer.
*May be eligible for Government Support including Fees Free. Learn more here
Recommended for experienced and skilled warehousing operators. Graduates will have specialised knowledge and skills required to safely monitor and maintain operations in a warehousing and distribution environment. Graduates will gain competence in operation and management of a warehouse, inventory controls, receiving and dispatching goods, and communication methods to improve productivity.
Download the training plan here [PDF, 280 KB].
Learning outcomes
On completion of the Level 3 part of this programme, learners will be able to:
- apply health, safety, and security practices to ensure their own safety and
minimize potential hazards for any customers and co-workers in a distribution environment - communicate with staff, managers, and customers
- apply standard operating procedures and the code of conduct to a work role
applicable to a distribution environment - receive and dispatch goods in a distribution environment
- carry out store operations and inventory control in a distribution environment.
On completion of the Level 4 part of this programme, learners will be able to
monitor and maintain:
- health, safety, and security practices to ensure own safety and minimise
potential hazards for any customers and co-workers in a distribution environment - interactions with staff, managers, and customers
- the application of standard operating policies and procedures to work roles
applicable to a distribution environment - the receipt and dispatch of goods in a distribution environment
- the store operations and productivity systems in a distribution environment.
Enrolment Forms
Download and read our enrolment forms and terms and conditions.
Check out others who have done training with us

By Mel Weston, Primary ITO Learning Support Manager