New Zealand Apprenticeship in Export Meat Boning
Level 4
Level of study
Level 4
23 months
Learners must be employed in the sector and must engage in training via their employer.
Perfect for competent boning room operators who are working towards becoming and experienced and skilled meat boner.
There are two qualifications in the apprenticeship:
- New Zealand Certificate in Meat and Meat Product Manufacturing (Level 3)
- New Zealand Certificate in Meat Processing and Meat Product Manufacturing (Level 4) with strands in Slaughter Floor Operations and Dressing Operations
Graduates can excel into export standard meat boner roles, of large or small carcasses depending on the context completed. Graduates will have the skills and knowledge to process and bone meat to an export standard while meeting all customer and company specifications for optimisation of the meat yield.
Training plan
Graduates may be employed as export standard meat boners of large or small carcasses depending on the context completed.
Learning outcomes
Graduates will have the skills and knowledge to process and bone meat to an export standard meeting all customer/company specifications for optimisation of the meat yield.
Graduates will be capable of optimising meat yields, breaking and boning carcasses of animals and processing and boning cuts to export and company specification standards while effectively working in a team.
Enrolment Forms
Download and read our enrolment forms and terms and conditions.

By Mel Weston, Primary ITO Learning Support Manager