New Zealand Certificate in Meat Processing
Level 3
Level of study
Level 3
4 - 7 months (depending on strand)
Learners must be employed in the sector and must engage in training via their employer.
There are four Meat Processing programmes - Pre and Post Slaughter, Meat Manufacturing, Rendering and Halal.
As well as building on the safety, hygiene, and quality skills of the Level 2 programme, each covers a variety of basic operational skills.
Training plans
Meat and Meat Product Manufacturing – Pre and Post Slaughter (new)
Meat and Meat Product Manufacturing – Meat Product Manufacturing (new)
Meat and Meat Product Manufacturing – Rendering (new)
LCP (Limited Credit Programme) Meat Processing Halal
Learning outcomes
Those undertaking the Pre and Post Slaughter strand will learn all about trimming, packing, handling stock, slaughter, and viscera operations.
Employees who complete the Meat Manufacturing strand will be able to manufacture meat products, prepare meat by products and cure manufactured meat products - all whilst working in a team.
The Halal course teaches employee to apply Shariah to the production of Halal food products and produce Halal meat.
Enrolment Forms
Download and read our enrolment forms and terms and conditions.

By Mel Weston, Primary ITO Learning Support Manager